If you have to code in VBScript or other unpopular languages, it is up to you which tools you use for developing.

Since I like to code in Java and I have grown to love Eclipse I had a look for an editor that would allow me to combine useful tools like eGit with editing source code in Eclipse directly.

I found one that looks ok so far and it supports all kinds of text based programming languages. Below you can find the standard set of langugaes the editor is shipped with. It can be extended by a vast amount of other languages.

  • C/C++
  • C#
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • mySQL
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • VBScript
  • VisualBasic
  • XML

- See more at: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/wfe-wordfile-editor#sthash.AwNgeMUv.dpuf

A matter of choice

However, the tool does not support debugging vbScript. I just chose it, bacause I like to manage my small software projects using Eclipse and I am fully aware that there are most likely better solutions for VBScript. Having that said, luckily I can often avoid having to code in VBScript. I hate it with a passion.

For those who just need a standalone editor and do not want the complexity of Eclipse I do recommend Notepad++. Great Editor! supporting all kinds of languages and more while still feeling very simple. It even allows you to configure it to debug your vbScript code.

How to install the editor

1. Open the Eclipse Market Place.

2. Search for WFE and be annoyed that it does not display any result, then click on "browse for more".

3. Drag and drop the install button from the market place web page into your eclipse workspace.

4. Install the editor and restart Eclipse.

How to configure the Editor

After the editor has been installed, you need to configure the file associations to edit vbs files with the WFE Wordfile Editor.

Open the eclipse Window -> Preferences and add a file association for "*.vbs".

After that is done associate the new editor with the file type *.vbs.

Hope it helps.

