The following function checks, if a worksheet is existing under a given name in a provided workbook object.

Source Code

' @Author - Alexander Bolte
' @Description - Checking, if a worksheet is existing in given workbook under given name.
' @Param wrk - an object of type Workbook.
' @Param name - a String holding the name of the worksheet existance should be checked for.
' @Returns - true, if worksheet exists under given name, else false.
Public Function worksheetExists(ByRef wrk As Workbook, ByVal name As String) As Boolean
Dim ret As Boolean
Dim tmp As Worksheet

On Error GoTo errHandle:

Set tmp = wrk.Worksheets(name)
ret = Not (tmp Is Nothing)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ret = False
End If

Set tmp = Nothing
worksheetExists = ret
End Function