English Language
Following shortcuts are quite useful for Excel (only English language pack). If German language pack differs, you can find it in the next section of this article.
- Hits: 10096
Here I want to collect the for myself most important shortcuts for an apple MacBook using Windows Bootcamp.
Shortcuts / Key combinations
Description | Shortcut |
Jumping to the end of a document. | Ctrl + Fn + Arrow Left |
Jumping to the beginning of a document. | Ctrl + Fn + Arrow Right |
Right Click / Call Context Menu | Shift + F10 |
Picture Up | Fn + Arrow Up |
Picture Down | Fn + Arrow Down |
Jumping to the end of a line in a document. | Fn + Arrow Right |
Jumping to the beginning of a line in a document. | Fn + Arrow Left |
Pause / Break | Fn + ESC |
If you often have to switch the standard boot device on your mac the following key combination can be of help. This allows you to select the boot device on your mac before starting an operating system. |
Press and hold the "alt" key directly after starting your mac until you can see a boot device selection screen. This will list a selection of all boot devices currently available on your computer or in a selectable network. It was pretty annoying to change the boot device in the control panel after booting into an operating system then having to restart. |
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Below a selection of shortcuts in MS SQL Server Management Studio version 2012.
Description | Shortcut |
Open a new query. | Ctrl. + N |
Execute a single query in an sql document. | Select the rows of interest and hit F5 to execute. |
Close a selected document. | Ctrl. + F4 |
Open an existing file. | Ctrl. + O |
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