Below my list of useful MS Access shortcuts / keyboard commands.
Shortcuts / keyboard commands
Description | Shortcut |
Switch between database windows (tabs, queries, forms, etc.) | Ctrl. + F6 |
Switch between Navigation pane, Ribbon and database windows | F6 |
Switch view on a query into design view | Alt. + H + W + D |
Switch back to before selected database window | Ctrl. + Shift + F6 |
Close a database window | Ctrl. W |
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I do not debug a lot anymore since I like unit testing and it saves a lot of time. Having this said, I keep on forgetting shortcuts for debugging ... ok, also other things.
Therefore I created a small collection of useful Eclipse shortcuts.
Description | Shortcut |
Format source code. | Ctrl. + Shift + F |
Comment out a block of source code with one key combination. | Ctrl. + Shift + / |
Refactoring - Rename a variable. | Alt. + Shift + R |
Refactoring - call "Source" context menu for common refactorings like "Create getters and setters". | Alt + Shift + S |
Toggle a breakpoint | Ctrl. + Shift + B |
Start Debugging / Run Application | F11 |
Go to definition / declaration. | F3 |
Open project properties. | Alt + Return |
Debugging - continue execution. | F8 |
Debugging - Step into a single line of code. | F5 |
Debugging - Step over a single line of code. | F6 |
Call JavaDoc. | F2 |
Jump up to next method header above current selection. | Ctrl. + Shift + Arrow Up |
Jump down to next method header below current selection. | Ctrl. + Shift + Arrow Down |
Move back to last position in any file. E.g. you jumped into a called method using F3 and now you want to go back to the calling method. | Alt + Arrow Left |
Move forward to a position in any file selected after the current position. | Alt + Arrow Right |
Switch between files in the editor pane. | (Ctrl. + Picture up) or (Ctrl + Picture down) |
Show a list of all opened files for filtering by file name and single selection. | Ctrl. + E |
Execute a single jUnit test case. | Select Run As -> jUnit Test Case from context menu on a single unit test method. |
Open or jump to view package explorer. | Alt + Shift + Q, P |
Move a whole line of source code up or down. | (Alt + Arrow Up) Or (Alt + Arrow Down) |
On line with warning or error like fix imports to enter specific context menu. | F2 |
Jump to the Editor window. | F12 |
Switch between views like from Editor back to Data Source Explorer or Package Explorer. Hold Ctrl. pressed even after pressing F7. | Ctrl. + F7 |
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In the following table I will collect shortcuts, which I found useful over time.
Shortcut Overview
Description | Shortcut (English) |
Finding next occurance of current search string in search scope. | F3 |
Finding previous occurance of current search string in search scope. | Shift + F3 |
Showing/Displaying and selecting the immediate window. | Ctrl. + G |
Adding watch for selected variable / expression. | Ctrl. + W |
Replace dialog. | Ctrl. + H |
Jump to next method (sub or function) | Ctrl. + ArraowDown |
Jump to previous method (sub or function) | Ctrl. + ArraowUp |
Set a breakpoint or clear a breakpoint. | F9 |
Jump from Editor Pane into the Solution Explorer. | Ctrl. + R |
Jump from Solution Explorer into the Editor Pane. | Return on object to open |
Switch between just edited source object in Solution Explorer. | Ctrl. + Tabulator |
Export currently opened file. | Ctrl. + E |
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