In this article I want to collect useful windows shell commands.

Shell commands

Command Description 
rename *.txt *.new_ext Changing file name for one or more files of same file type in current directory.
dir > print.txt Printing all details on files like file size, name and creation date in current directory into a new file called print.txt.
dir /b > print.txt Printing only file names from current directory into a new file called print.txt.
dir /s /b > print.txt Printing only file names from current directory and all sub directories into a new file called print.txt.

copy /a *.txt concat.txt

Concatenates all files in current directory into one file. The /a indicates an ASCII text file.

Power Shell commands

Command  Description 
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*current*" -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace 'current','old' }  Rename files in batch. This does work much more reliable than using wildcards in rename in old shell commands.