VBA - Visual Basic for Applications
If you have to change the sort order of data returned in a RecordSet to behave case sensitive in VBA you can use a trick, which is provided by Microsoft.
Source Code
The below function returns a hexadecimal representation of a handed String, which can then be used in an ORDER BY clause of a sequel statement.
Original Source is available at following URL.
- Hits: 10329
The following looked simple enough for me.
Source Code
Here a solution, which works for me however you have to be careful since it relies on a certain environment variable to be present. If this environment variable is not available the method automatically assumes the os to operate in 32 bit.
Unfortunately thie below did not work for me as it returned "x86" no matter if I started it on a 64 bit or 32 bit os.
- Hits: 10025
Below method allows you to remove the shadow from all shapes of the same type (arrow, rectangle, ... ) at once, instead of selecting each shape manually.
If you want to apply more formats than only removing a shadow, then use the methods PickUp and Apply of the Shape object.
PickUp copies the format of one Shape object and Apply copies a before picked up format.
Source Code
- Hits: 10100
Excel VBA Article Count: 30
This category will hold articles regarding developement in Excel VBA. It will serve as a wiki and an Excel VBA Framework for myself.
Some development tasks reoccur for every customer. Since I am a lazy bum it will be nice to have a central source where I can reuse source code from.
MS Office and VBA Article Count: 11
This category holds articles regarding general things in MS Office VBA independent from the MS Office application.
Power Point VBA Article Count: 1
Access VBA Article Count: 7
This category holds articles regarding Access VBA, but also general things I come accross Access and its usage in companies.
Access VBA DAO Article Count: 2
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