VBA - Visual Basic for Applications
I am Mr. Forgetful. What was this password again?
Anyway, if you do not know any better, use brute force!
Source Code
- Hits: 4393
In one of my projects I had to read all worksheet names from several Excel files.
Here is the code for getting all worksheet names from a closed or already opened Excel file.
Referenced Functions can be found below.
Getting all sheet names from a workbook
Getting an opened Excel workbook
- Hits: 4258
If you have to determine the total count of records in a Recordset, you can use the RecordCount property.
But first you have to move to the last record in the Recordset by using the MoveLast method.
Source Code
- Hits: 4269
Excel VBA Article Count: 30
This category will hold articles regarding developement in Excel VBA. It will serve as a wiki and an Excel VBA Framework for myself.
Some development tasks reoccur for every customer. Since I am a lazy bum it will be nice to have a central source where I can reuse source code from.
MS Office and VBA Article Count: 11
This category holds articles regarding general things in MS Office VBA independent from the MS Office application.
Power Point VBA Article Count: 1
Access VBA Article Count: 7
This category holds articles regarding Access VBA, but also general things I come accross Access and its usage in companies.
Access VBA DAO Article Count: 2
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