Empty SharePoint Recycle Bin with one command
If you have lots of stuff in your SharePoint Recycle Bin and want to empty it all, here’s a quick tip:
- Navigate to the recycle bin page (e.g., http://localhost/_layouts/recyclebin.aspx)
- In the address bar, type “
” (minus the quotes), replacing the whole URL. - Press Enter. You will be asked if you really want to empty the recycle bin.
- Click OK to empty it; click Cancel to leave it alone.
It’s much faster to empty it this way if you have multiple pages of “stuff” in your recycle bin.
Note that this tip may only work with Internet Explorer, but I successfully tested it with Chrome.
The browser must be able to understand the "javascript:" portion of the command in the address bar.
- Hits: 2624
Connect to HP ALM via Java using REST API
Connecting to HP ALM via Java is a bit of a cumbersome task when you have never worked with a REST API before.
It is for certain not as easy as connecting to a database using a connector provided by any vendor.
Using the HP ALM REST API Examples in version 11.52
In order to use the HP ALM REST API Examples in Eclipse you will have to apply changes to some classes and even rewrite some of the tests.
I like to have simple examples, which are not hard to understand for beginners. In contrary HP provides you with an examples section, which is not easy to understand or use due to missing explanations as well as overall complexity.
First you should understand what is happening in the background when you will use the little API HP provided. The following article might help to give you an idea.
Connect to HP ALM via browser using REST API
Anyhow, let's start by setting up an example eclipse project.
Prepare HP ALM REST example project in eclipse
Create a new Java Project in eclipse called "almConnector" (or whatever you like - it does not matter).
In the src directory of this new eclipse project create three new packages.
- alm
- infrastructure
- test
Now go to the HP ALM REST API reference in your ALM documentation library.
To do so when looged into a HP ALM project choose Help -> Documentation Library from the top menu bar.
- Hits: 46676
HP ALM Quality Center Business Views
I've developed quite a few complex reports in HP ALM for my clients over the past years and found it was a good idea to let power users implement SQL reports.
With version 11.x HP introduced business views, which replace not only Excel reports but apparently the whole Dashboard in HP ALM.
Although currently working with version 12.x of HP ALM, I see that you can use business views as basis for Excel reports or Charts and other online reports in the Analysis view of the ALM Dashboard.
This means you should think about migrating your existing SQL reports into business views.
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