Reading big Excel files with POI
Hi there.
Recently I was sitting in a bad place again. I had to automate one process step in a workflow, which was entirely based on processing files of different type, layout and size.
I love automating things by developing software, but I hate doing so whenever it is based entirely on file systems.
To make matters worse, I had to process Excel files ... again! Being a very experienced VBA programmer, in which I do take shame, not pride, I knew it will give me trouble.
Since I do not want to code in VBA anymore, I decided to use Java and the Apache POI API.
Started to use the API and was happy. See the following articles for reference.
How to setup an eclipse project to use POI.
Identifying the last row in Excel files can be hard. Depends on what you define as last row ;0).
A high level wrapper class around POI for processing Excel files.
And here the problem ...
- Hits: 22982
Find a tables foreign keys
Recently I had to create some tables in Oracle and fill them with data from other tables for testing.
It is quite easy to create and modify tables, however it can be a pain digging through undocumented dependencies, table constraints which describe parent child relationships between tables.
In order to find foreign keys for a table, adjust below query by replacing 'table_name' with the name of a table of interest and execute.
Synonym 'a' is holding the child table details and synonym 'uc' is holding the parent table details.
- Hits: 10551
Simple JavaFX File System Tree View
In order to display a TreeView representing a file sytsem as shown below, I had to extend the TreeItem<T> class of JavaFX.
Just for fun I added an HTML Editor as well and separated both controls using a SplitPane.
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