HP ALM Quality Center Dashboard Excel History Report
Whenever you are interested in ALM Quality Center audit history you have various choices of getting the information.
One way of extracting history information from the database is using the Excel reporting functionality of the HP ALM Quality Center Dashboard.
First create a new Excel Report in the Analysis View of the Dashboard (see documentation library of HP ALM on details how to create such a report).
In the tab Configuration you will find the Query Builder, which allows querying the underlying database server of ALM Quality Center using SQL.
This is a nice feature, if you have to apply more complex analysis. Especially analysis on history information will require accessing audit tables either through the HP ALM OTA API or through SQL or both.
- Hits: 13841
Split and Transpose Strings
Splitting Strings is a trivial task. Using SQL unfortunately it is not so easy to do. Recently I had to split long concatenated strings from one field in an Oracle database.
Luckily I was not the only one facing this challenge and found helpful information on the internet.
Below an example that did the trick for me.
The resultset of above query will look like the following picture.
- Hits: 16298
Connect to HP ALM via browser using REST API
Currently I am playing with the REST API of HP ALM and since some basics are always good before you start automating things, I first wanted to connect to ALM using a web browser.
Open a browser and type in the following url, but replace the part {host} with the address to your HP ALM server.
This will display a simple login dialog, in which you provide your HP ALM user name and the corresponding password.
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